The stellar properties (i.e., the total stellar mass $M_{\star}$ and the fraction of blue galaxies $f_{\mathrm{blue}}$) of 46 X-ray selected clusters in the XMM-BCS survey were studied with the Blanco Cosmology Survey (BCS; Desai+12) and the Spitzer South Pole Telescope Deep Field (SSDF; Ashby+13) in Chiu+16c. As presented in Table 1, the measurements of the stellar properties, selected X-ray measurements, and the total halo mass can be downloaded here. The table reads
Column | Context |
xbcs_id | The cluster ID |
redshift, redshift_err | The cluster redshift |
Lxbol, Lxbol_err | The bolometric X-ray luminosity in erg/s |
Tx, Tx_err | The X-ray temperature in $k$eV |
r500 | The cluster radius $R_{500}$ in $k$pc |
m500, m500_err | The halo mass $M_{500}$ in $M_{\odot}$ |
mstar, mstar_err | The total stellar mass in $M_{\odot}$ |
phistar, phistar_err | The normalization of the luminosity function in $L_{\odot}^{-1}$ |
fblue, fblue_err | The fraction of blue galaxies with respect to total galaxies members |
If you have used this catalog in your research, please kindly cite Chiu+16c.